
From my first memories I remember how important heritage crafts and nature were to my Granny and Great Grandmother. My Grandfather and parents encouraged me to experience the great outdoors and enjoy all the beauty that it shared with those willing to look. This is my center, the foundation that my life has been built on.

As I have reached the Second Half of life my goal is to place a greater focus on honoring my center.

Grateful – The first 50 days were filled with sending out one postcard expressing gratitude to a person who has had an impact on my life. I will continue to be grateful for my remaining years for those who have either been a gift to my life or a lesson.

Passion – So many wonderful ideas that have visited me I was not ready to follow through with and they moved to another artist. This realization that ideas do not wait around forever to be realized has encouraged me to follow those ideas who have stuck with me. I wrote a children’s book with my son and am currently working on Cards that will feature my art and a variety of pictures paired with fun activities or inspiring quotes.

Blending – I still have a ‘regular’ job that I love – Instructor for Early Childhood Education at my local University. Today I am blending in more of my love for nature, heritage crafts, and education. Our children today benefit from those amazing experience in nature and in creation of useful everyday times.

My life is far from perfect in societies eyes but it is perfect for me at this moment, in this space. Each tomorrow will pose it’s own challenges and successes but I am happy to face them with support of family/friends because I am RESILIENT.

I have learned to Slay My Own Dragons.
